Sunday, December 7, 2008


With all the new fibers , many of which are specifically created to be used on 18st....
18st seems to
be the most popular size canvas, followed by a very versatile 13st.
When I first started in the business in the early 70's and wool was the primary fiber , 10st was very popular.
Pateran Wool used full three ply was perfect for 10st. Somehow, over the years 10st designs became
obsolete.....except for the occasional rug, or chair seat....I happen to love the way 10st looks and feels...substantial, and it really looks like a piece of tapestry, even from a distance....but all the new fibers are a problem....I found , not so much....DMC Tapestry Cotton Floss doubled is perfect and Caron Snow doubled is also perfect....and then you have wool that adds a nice rich texture to the mix...... and Kreinik heavy braid is made for 10st in my opinion.....i will give any combination of fibers a try and if IT covers and looks good, I ignore what the manufacturer this is just my personal views, I am far from an expert...but if you like a fiber ..give it a whirl in another never know.......these two gingerbread people are large enough to sit on a shelf in the country kitchen....and did they go bet very easy on the eyes....


Possibilities, Etc. said...

I too love 10 count canvas, and actually keep a few yards of it on hand "just in case." It had wonderful uses back then - used a lot of it for big, cozy pillows and stuffed toys. I like whatever you used for icing - it really works. Do you remember 5 ct. rug canvas? Paternayan had "rug wool" that fit that. I loved it.

NCPat said...

These are darling!