Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A little tease

Never let it be said that Squiggee is too predictable...This is a little preview of the background on my round Iris ...the background is Vineyard Silk Classic #c-048..Pale Banana...and the beads are Magnifica #10052....these were sent by friends so they were in my stash...lol.....
I kept the Iris colors on the subdued side , and am using this background and beads to make them pop....the background color can be matched easily to DMC....but I do find that mentioning the Vineyard Silk...make me sound so fancy and knowledgeable.....lol...I love the fiber and the way it just oozes into the canvas...but !!!!! DMC cotton floss is much more economical for you ladies that live sleep and eat needlepoint...your little hands still moving in a stitching motion while sleeping......and I have used the basketweave...the beads are plenty of texture...and sparkle...I love sparkle...
fyi...I also ran out of the background ...so I have to actually buy some...lol...makes me sound soooooooo cheap...lol...


The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Beads are wonderful on the background. I'd never have thought to make the background the exciting part in order to have the irises stand out. Clever Gail!

You are a big tease, though.

MORE PICTURES, she demands. LOL

Possibilities, Etc. said...

I was hoping in the beginning when I saw you had marked the little spots like I do for bead insertion that this is what you would do. It's a great technique for jazzing up the background a bit and at the same time leaving it OPEN without texture.

The Bead Lover (Sundance, of course)

NCPat said...

You are getting pretty fancy schmanzy on us! You go, girl! It looks great!