Friday, March 27, 2009

A little bird

This morning I finally got the little seagull on his stand...The Stitchery in Camden Maine , My amazing finishers ,did their part weeks ago...and I have been so busy that he was just pushed aside , waiting to be husband made the base , and I put the rope around it, to give it that extra touch of the sea port...actually , whenever I see a seagull, I have this great memory of childhood...we would take our garbage and trash to the DUMP, in South Harpswell Maine, in the summers( my parents have a summer cottage there, and we spent each and ever summer from the day school let out, to a week before school started) the prospect of filing the back of the station wagon with smelly garbage and trash, and unloading it at the dump might leave you thinking ..yuck...but the amazing part ,was to watch the seagulls fighting over the choice bits, all covered with dirt and grim the gulls preformed, making us laugh .... fascinated at their antics , for us kids this was the height of entertainment......the smell was enough to kill, but ambrosia to the gulls...some would fight like woman at a sale at Macy's...pushing and pulling , and squawking , that high pitch sound that gulls make....obviously you had to be there...and this little gull has surely taken a tubby after any trip to the dump...
he is off to Washington State where he will now live...he will be missed...I am finding it hard to part with my finished things...they are to spread the word of Squiggee, but a part of me would like to keep them here in Squiggeeland...omg...I have never had needlepoint in my house but for Christmas..this new phase , is a little worrying...I have gone bananas!!!


Possibilities, Etc. said...

Just wait until I finish Fifi for you - you'll never let her go. LOL This seagull needs a friend - maybe Polly Pelican?? Or a sandpiper?? I don't have any finished needlepoint either - but your things are addictive, and I hate to let them go.

NCPat said...

This is great! I agree that a Polly Pelican would be neat!