Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chit Chat

I just finished and mailed a big tree skirt to a customer on the East Coast...but photos will have to wait till she gets the piece, don't want to ruin the surprise..that is always the fun part...above is a little custom saying I did for a customer of Bedecked and Beadazzeled.....Ruth Schmuff's shop in Maryland.....I love interpreting a saying into needlepoint...and Ruth's customers are fun...
I want to thank all the people that have inquired about Ken, my husband ...all the sweet emails , phone calls and the nicest fruit and cheese box our dear friend Laurie sent...Ken was so touched by all the concern...
He is improving everyday and looks more like his old self these days....I try not to cluck too much and ask him how he is feeling every is hard..but I am trying not to fuss too much...
I have lots of work to keep me busy, so that is a plus...and new designs to get ready for Dallas...we here in Squiggeeland always have to look ahead....
I have figured out why people here in CO are so dam friendly compared to the East is all this dam

1 comment:

mskathk said...

Thanks for the update on both of you!
Love the new design, especially the beautiful shoes.