Saturday, September 10, 2011

Christmas is a Coming...

Girls...can you feel the rumbling of fibers and stuffing as the finishers get ready to cut you off for Christmas....October 1st is the big cut off for most finishers, unless you are the Queen of some country or someone that is OHHHHHHHHH so must be a daunting site all the boxes and piles of projects for a finisher to work their magic in order for these precious pieces to become gifts for Christmas delivery...and then there is the big Trade show looming in January and designers are also on the prowl to have models made....for most of the Summer people seem to just relax and not pay much attention to deadlines...but the minute school starts , all hell brakes loose and everyone is now aware of time ............I like most other designers , are chasing themselves trying to meet all the deadlines that this business custom work, wholesale line and new designing....I am behind always it seems...trying to maintain a balance so people don't egg my twice in an 8 month period has not helped...but I am hard at it to make everyone if i could just do without sleep...that would help....but I find as age creeps up...sleep is even more I will just continue to do my best and we all do ...and keep the whining to a one cares anyway....
so back to work for me......Saturdays and Sundays are working days also

but I have been hard at it make some needed changes ...I hate change...but it seems that when life demands it , you should go with it....I will keep you all posted....

The stocking at the top is 19" tall and on 10st...a companion piece...for a new wife...10st is a much misunderstood works up fast and you can get a lot of detail....and many of the new fibers doubled up work in just next time you are pressed for time and want to have something that will go fast ...consider won't be disappointed !

1 comment:

Threeundertwo said...

That's a wonderful piece. Wish I had a quick project right now. I'm living that paradox of kids back in school but somehow I have less time.