Sunday, September 4, 2011

Never A Dull Moment !

Calling all dog people...yes, you know who and what you are....tuned into your dogs........well our Miniature solid black poodle..Mr. Omar, has finally gotten through to me as far as his requirements on how he likes his food served...he does not like his meat and rice all mixed together..but separate on a plate, not touching...just like you would serve a guest at a dinner party....
Now let me explain...Squiggee-Buns our little Boston has had food issues since she was a pup...and has been on a regiment of rice and lean meat with some vegetable oil and pet tab for years...this is her main meal and she loves it...she does however not like it in a bowl...or anything with a lip...but served mixed on a we bought her her own set of Correll. ALONG comes Omar and he says...whatever she is having I will have the same...and please put in on a plate ...
needless to say the rice fall out has always been a clean up issue , but we use old towels and at one time a plastic piece like people put under high chairs for fall out from rug rats...this you have to clean because like most dogs ,they like to move the food off the plate and onto the surface around the dish...their spit is like you have the option of always cleaning the floor, towel or plastic...but never mind, the dogs are family after all....
well...... we have moved twice during Omar's formative years from pup to young dog ....... he is settled in now....... all of a sudden he was not eating well...picking at his food when clearly he was hungry...I have observed how he seemed to try and get the chicken or other meat out of the rice mixture...then he would proceed to clean up Squiggee-Bun's rice fall out bits...leaving her to hoover up his remaining rice and meat....
so," light bulb moment"...last night I tried something different and separated Omar's rice and meat on the plate...success!!! he ate all his meat, then cleaned up Squiggee's fall out and then proceeded to go back to his plate and finish his rice ...seamless... both plates were clean...
Now I know some people reading this , think clearly I have lost touch with reality and need a life...but those who have pleaded and begged a dog to eat, know of what I babble about...
Squiggee-Buns is a great eater and since she has gone blind, she is even more a vacuum...we call her...our little Omar is a pickier and doesn't like it too large or too hot and does not have a big range in his poison him you would have to force it down his
I just thought it was clever of me to notice...since most of the household is off my radar...
Mr. Squiggee takes care of most...while I paint...the one thing that I, shopping it all bores me silly...the routine and then it all has to be God I can paint and make money....the thought of being a housewife is truly scary...I have done both and the painting kept me from going postal !...something missing...what I call the Betty Crocker chip ! for years you fight it...but age has a way of exposing who you really are...a bitch that hates the kitchen and cleaning( ironing...the whole deal ) shopping ,I would rather have a root

love ,

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