Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mr. Squiggee Blasts Off !!! can hear the silence as Mr. Squiggee took off for Phoenix around an hour and a half ago....he is so excited about his first TNNA Show...I hope he has a great time....I myself am content to stay here in Squiggeeland and make sure my little Squiggee feels secure and safe....I have been in this business since 1972 and been to many shows over the years and seen miles and miles of needlepoint....this last year has been particularly stressful with family and turning the Squiggee tanker around and placing it in CBK capable hands...Both Mr, Squiggee and I worked so hard and frankly I am pooped at this point and looking forward to some peace and just regular work...without all the extras...we have been truly lucky to have such a loyal group of stitchers that are doing and have done some amazing models for us...we received two little Halloween Gingerbread cookies that Saundra just finished...they are just great and Mr. Squiggee was so pleased to take them along with Carmen Flamingo worked by Ronnie to Phoenix...they will go off to our finisher when then get home...but he was so taken he wanted CBK to see has been barking at anything that moves non stop since his Daddy left...I think he feels he needs to protect the home while Mr. Squiggee is gone....I have tons of work to do...always , but am very distracted matter how many years i am in this business...I always get antsy when a show is in progress...funny...this show is important because
for the first time we have a distributor that is organized , runs her business efficiently...just what we need...when I started in the wholesale business, I had no idea what it entailed...trail by fire and i believe that after all the starts and stops and changes in representation, I finally have it is exciting and stressful at the same time...I do believe Squiggee is on the forward path at last....again thank you to all our lovely Squiggers and all their help and support...a long way from eBay...I would say...but as Auntie Mame said:" Life is a banquet....and most poor suckers are starving to death"! to live by

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