Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's a small world...!

We just received a report from the Phoenix Show, listing the shops that purchased Squiggee and gcH designs ..... there were at least 17 new shops on the list...this is a very positive sign considering that needlepoint and shops have been hit by the economy the last couple of years along with all businesses in this country......
One such shop has bought my designs for years under different names and distributors....
the above is my precious gator that has been around since the beginning...he was first part of my original line called Festival Designs by Gail , that I started in the late 70's....he then entered the wholesale market in 2001 and has sold continually since then....I have the original canvas I painted and I just repainted him for the painters because frankly the canvas was a mess....I can't bring myself to just pitch the original so I have decided to work him....it just seems wrong not to honor this great little guy ....after all he was part of it from the beginning.....
the shop in Charleston, SC called..... it's a Stitch.....the owners , Margo and Linda...had the gator painted in two directions and finished it two sided with great material...I just love seeing one of my designs in a new light...I just love it......
A great website to visit and it looks like a nice shop and the owners are definitely friendly....so if in the area...you should check them out...tell them Mr. Squiggee sent you...lol...he is the one that checks out the shops , what they buy and their websites.......the guy is just a fountain of info, which is great for us here in Squiggeeland !!!!

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