Tuesday, December 11, 2012

In with the new..out with the old !!!

We here in Squiggeeland try to be very frugal with paints and brushes...not much waste....but  sometimes you just have to get rid of old  friends...brushes that have come to the end of the road....as you can see by the photo, we use the brushes till they are practically down to the nib...some of these brushes have been around for ten years...
As a self employed artist you also have to be aware that the end of the year is looming and it is prudent to stock up on supplies and anything business related...aka write-offs for taxes...lol....but my goodness...brushes have gone crazy price wise....like everything else...if I had known this I would have stocked up when I was in college..just kidding...that was so long ago...although I still have some big oil brushes from those days left..antiques for sure...just like me...

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