Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Toille in Needlepoint

As a needlepoint designer that loves to use the canvas to it's full potential, French Toille is one of my favorites....It combines all that is pure about the stitch painted canvas and the way the eye can adapt and form an image with just a few stitches if placed with great care.....This type of design is usually two colors , one being the background and the other the stitches that form the image.....a great use of negative space to form the total image....beautiful on any stitch canvas...  the two colors can contrast , or be more soft and subtle...I had a drawing teacher remark that the use of a simple line to form an image can be as exciting as a  painting with color and shading ....as an artist I have always been drawn to art that captures an image with the least amount of clutter...

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