Saturday, September 27, 2008

Deep in Thought...

Sometimes I am amazed at the time my little Squiggee just sits in one spot and seems to stare off in can almost see the wheels within that very cute , very square head turning...

Of all our dogs to date , Squiggee is the most like , my husband and I...I have a tendency to get that look and stare off into space , and have a think...I like Squiggee-Buns , tune everyone and everything mother would comment, oh you are back now...nice trip!....I just wonder what Squiggee is thinking...I would love to be able to tap into her thoughts...she always has such deep look...

Sometimes she will stand in front of me, look me directly in the eye and just stare...trying to tell me something , that I know is amazing....

Our dogs are part of the family and are included in conversations...that is to say......we talk and they listen.....they love people , and have a strong need for to human physical contact...

I'm sure this behavior is somewhat a bi-product of they way we have raised them...... with great love and affection.....But , Miss Squiggee I find is unique...a thinker...I just wish I knew what she was thinking....
omg...I wonder if she is thinking of firing me and getting a new artist...yikes!
now where are those special dog treats...!!!!!


Possibilities, Etc. said...

LOL - yes dogs do that. My mother used to say "Back from the clouds?" I always had my head in the clouds - still do.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Well, there are three of us with our heads in the clouds and our minds somewhere else! LOL

My dogs study us closely. I think dogs are particularly atune to what we are saying. They verbalize by body language, after all, and that takes a lot of practice. Think of them as physical actors.

Jane, in CH where the dogs are currently asleep