Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big Bird...Little Bird is what happened...all my birds are designed first on 13st...and I have kept them all around the same size...different shapes but all comparable......this gives me the versatility to go up or down in size without the bird getting so big that it looks like it will carry off the family blue bird pictured ,is worked on 10st and the goldfinch on my next model will be a little bird worked on 18st...and of course the beautiful finishing was done by the very talented ladies at Stitchery Square in Camden , Maine...a link on this page....and the stands by
my husband, Ken...a group effort that seems to work...
But Sadly again...these little guys went to Texas...and then on to the show circuit, to promote
Squiggee least I get the joy of seeing the models in person finished , before they leave on their adventures......

1 comment:

NCPat said...

Nice! These are so cute! I can vouch for the fun time it takes to stitch these little darlings too!