Friday, May 14, 2010

Why oh Why !

For the life of me I can't understand why some crazed porno site from China would be leaving comments on a blog. Luckily you can't read the message, which by all counts is probably to yucky for words, based on the site link. Now I am not a prude but for the most part I find this sort of site offensive personally, and to use women in an exploitative manner just bad taste.
It is a free country and every one has the right to see and read what they please, but by choice. I have a heavy duty spamming on our computer that blocks all this kind of thing from my email accounts, but the only way i can prevent this type of thing on this blog is to monitor the comments and then let then be visible. I find this extreme. I like to give anyone the chance to express their opinion uncensored, but I have not choice right now.
And prey tell what does a needlepoint blog have to do with this sort of porno site is beyond me....anyway I hope this will not offend my loyal Squiggers, I hate censorship, but we here in Squiggeeland are ladies and gentlemen and must retain decorum...

ON the lighter is a model back from stitchery square, my marvelous finishers...
Miss Pea...worked by the teacher GeorgaDee McLeod at the Needlepointer in Everett Washington....
I came up with the ruffle and my finisher suggested that I send some crystals to add on the edge where the ruffle meets the needlepoint....anyway she is stunning and GeorgaDee is a marvelous stitcher and teacher.
And yes I know this is a male peacock....but Mr. Pea..please.!!!!!! lets just say that Miss Pea is a male

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Miss Pea is wonderful. The stitching is lovely and the your finisher did a great job.