Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judy Harper

I learned this morning that my friend and colleague Judy Harper is in the hospital and very ill.......for years Judy has been fighting ill health, and has been able to work and stitch with such joy
Judy and I have often joked about how we are the old girls of the trade...she and I have been painting needlepoint forever since the early 70's and her even longer....between us we could fill an ocean with canvases....
she has been a great help with my early attempts at stitching with all the new fibers and beads.....until my Squiggee days ,I hadn't worked with anything but wool....her advice was so appreciated as her encouragement to wholesale Squiggee.... even so far as to work my first model...the Peacock Rollie....she has been a constant fan and cheer leader for my new endeavor.......
It was Judy that said I needed a blog so people would get to know the artist....she was right and so helpful with the start up....
we here in Squiggeeland send all our love for her recovery.......after all we don't have that many old girls with such a wealth of needlepoint under their belts in this business...
kisses and hugs to Judy...

1 comment:

Susan said...

I too, wish her well. She been a good email buddy, and great friend. Am anxious to find out something, and am praying for her recovery.