Saturday, December 24, 2011

What A Treat !

As a Designer one of the most exciting things is seeing your design come to life.....My Rollies are designed to be rolled...dah ! and finished in tube form...sometimes the shaped ornaments need a model...well lets face it, most things that are designed flat to be turned into a 3d ornament need a model....not everyone can envision the finished Saundra Campbell ...a great stitcher and Squiggee fan offered to work a model , my White Rollie Poodle named FIFI !....Above is Fifi in all her glory...and what an absolutely wonderful job Saundra has done.....below is the painted canvas ....As you can see, Saundra has done her magic and has brought her to life..... the extra special part of having a models worked by stitchers that are fans of Squiggee designs , is that you can see the care and pizazz..her special touch ....I just love it....
The poodle is off to our amazing finishers at Stitchery Square in Camden Maine...see their link on the won't be disappointed .........I got Squiggee started with working models ....but I really like the fact that others are so generous to add a different look to the line....everyone puts their own spin on a model and it adds to the look...
I can't thank Saundra ,Pam, Carole , Ronnie , Susan ,Donnelle ,Georgia Dee and Mary Katherine for all their talent....and let us not forget our special friend, the late Judy Harper....she started it all and convinced me that, although I hadn't worked a canvas since 1984 in wool...I would be able to master all the new was a hoot !
anyway always, I will show pictures of Fifi when she returns....
and if you are not impressed enough by Fifi...Saundra apologized for taking three weeks to complete Fifi...she had some Christmas things to !....I am fast but I don't work like a regular stitcher ( just like a machine, something I have to do) and certainly don't do all the fancy stuff....I am speechless ! and oh so happy for her help....
kisses to all


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great model! I can't wait to see it finished. I am honored to be included in this group of uber-talented stitchers. Merry Christmas Gail!

Anonymous said...
