Thursday, March 8, 2012


I am deep into adding the last little bit of the HX line to our catalog and custom I thought I would look through our doggie snaps for a picture and I came across this one above...some things never change and Omar still loves his cubbie and dives into it and acts the same as he did when he was little...sadly these cubbies are cloth and can not be washed....and the dogs are in need of some new ones...they are very worn ...loved too I guess I will have to get on with it and try to replace most animals they won't like the new clean version...but they won't stay tidy for very long forget how small your pups were at one time...Omar is now tall and Oh so grown up...very handsome according to his groomers...every groomer we have had comments on how good looking he is for a poodle...great...who wants an ugly kidding ...looks don't really count when it comes to loving a dog....


Anonymous said...

strange little dog.

g said...

No shit he's strange