Thursday, May 3, 2012


I know I have not blogged in days and days...but I have been so busy with creating and also trying not to itch myself to death...I can't count the varieties of lotion for my dry skin and non- invasive soaps and body washes we have had tried in our house the last couple of weeks...I awake with sneezing , my eyes after of day of painting feel like they need to soak in a tube of moisturizer anti-itch solution...everything...I mean every thing is blooming here in AZ..the cactus have gone crazy...not to mention all the birds doing their annual birdie matting dances and is like nature unleashed and packing a a little Western humor...above is one of the huge Saguaro cactus blossoms that we find all over the yard...just filled to brimming with pollen...but so beautiful and graphic...nature at it's best...the blossoms are about the size of your palm...even the lizards are dancing....and all the while I am painting inside with the ac on...good thing last week we hit 100...and it is only there you go...

but I do manage to carry on even though I am

the Lautrec above is 5 x 7 on 18st a custom piece for someone that like myself just loves this period of art...and unlike so much is suited to needlepoint...stark and graphic...

one big change...Omar has developed a phobia, and will nip you if you try to brush out tangles ..he is a dog that needs to be brushed we bought a muzzle and have made a game out of wearing the muzzle while I do a quick brush and make sure his hinney is clean...oh the exciting life i works great ...and Omar reminds me of someone in a s&m film when he sports the black muzzle...after it is removed he looks confused and just carries on...that's best for us be fair...he has been snipped too the groomer and myself trying to get a tangle out and he moved so now he has figured out if he nips he is safe...this is the first dog that has been so sensitive...Squiggee is like a little bull and nothing bothers her....Omar is just a tender boy a dull moment !