Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not just Sitting Around Watching The Cactus grow !

I think sometimes people think that the life of a working artist is very casual, with lots of time to sit and just think arty thoughts....but I have lots going on all the time....between the wholesale lines, custom work and having some sort of life...I am always it seems on the move...
I remember when I had lag time ...between January and March I would catch up on all the fine details and lose ends that seem to slip through the cracks of any busy creative business... by the time Spring pooped up I was pretty organized....all my ducks in a row...well them times are long gone...some mornings I have so much to do and catch up on that it is enough to make you hide out under the is diverse thank God !...I guess this is to prevent me from being bored and retiring when most people my age are slowing down, not reeving it up ....I know I could have tons of time on my hands ..then I could bitch about no business......since I am not a granny or have interest being a housewife ....oh what woud I do....
the two pictures at the top of the blog are custom pieces ...the top is a girls name in girlie stuff EMILY ,on 13st and the angel star is for a frog loving person on never know what custom work will entail...Emily is the sister of Patrick... I painted his name in animals a while I guess I am part of the family with two names
so back to work I go...I have been trying to clear a space for two larger projects...but my time doesn't seen to stretch these old panties the elastic is that ....who said I can't be flip and odd !

1 comment:

Carole said...

I love the Frog Angel. Sorry to hear it is a custom! Did you know that Rayne (where I live) is the Frog Capital of the World?